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Pour contrôler son poids.
Une cure, 4 sachets, 6 gélules par jour, plus de 7 ingrédients.
  • Participe à une perte de poids saine et durable en boostant les métabolismes des sucres et graisses.
  • Contribue à détruire efficacement les graisses accumulées dans les tissus adipeux (hanche & taille).
  • Participe à cibler les principales causes de la cellulite.
Choose your formula
Usual price 127,60€ EUR
Usual price promotional price 127,60€ EUR
Taxes included.

Achieve your goals with our 'Weight Loss' pack. Designed to help lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Formulated by micronutrition experts.

See the detailed composition.

  • BERBERINE ACTIV capsule / 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning / For 1 capsule: Berberine HB® (375 mg), capsule: pullulan.
  • SVELT OMEGA 3 capsule / 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning / For 2 capsules: Calanus finmachicus oil (crustaceans)(Seamega Pure Arctic Oil (Calanus ® Oil) 1000 mg including 850 mg of cerides, 185 mg of omega-3 and 600 µg of astaxanthin, capsule: fish gelatin.
  • ACETYL CARN capsule / 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning / For 2 capsules:
    Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1500 mg, capsule: pullulan.
  • COQ10-OMEGA 3 capsule / 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning / For 1 capsule: Fish oil (EPAX quality oil) 1000 mg including omega-3 EPA + DHA 700 mg (EPA min. 400mg and DHA min. 300mg), capsule: fish gelatin, Co-enzyme Q10 200 mg, glycerol (texturing agent), white beeswax (coating agent), water, lecithin (texturing agent).

* Nutritional reference values.

Delivery / Subscription / Guarantee.

Delivery :

  • Free from 50€ of purchase in France and the Benelux only.
  • Bpack World Business delivery in 2-3 days for Benelux / 2-5 days for France / 6-12 days for the rest of the world.*
  • DHL Express delivery in 24-48 hours for the Benelux and France / 48 hours 72 hours for the rest of the world.*
  • * Working days and excluding technical problems / Shortage of raw materials and/or limited stock indicated at the time of purchase.

Subscription :

  • 3 months minimum, debit and delivery every 4 weeks. Cancellable at any time after 3 months, automatic renewal.

Guarantee :

  • Satisfied or refunded within 30 days if the product received does not correspond to the item presented, find out more?
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7 Ingredients

Designed by doctors

Sans excipients

Scientifically proven

100% Eco-friendly

Refund within 30 days.

A balanced composition ⚖️

Our best-selling cure for weight management combines BERBERINE ACTIV, SVELT OMEGA 3, ACETYL CARN, and COQ10-OMEGA 3. Taken on an empty stomach, it targets carbohydrate and fat metabolism, effectively supporting your weight goals.

The content of the pack💊

1x sachet :


  • Omega-3 (EPA and DHA): These essential fatty acids are known to help regulate lipid metabolism. They can help reduce fat accumulation in the body and improve insulin response, which helps manage body weight. Studies suggest that EPA and DHA may also increase feelings of fullness after meals, which may reduce overall calorie intake.
  • Co-enzyme Q10: Although primarily known for its role in energy production and its antioxidant properties, CoQ10 may also have a modest impact on weight loss. It helps optimize cellular energy production, which can support an active metabolism. Additionally, an efficient metabolism can contribute to better weight management.
1x sachet :


  • Berberine HB® in this formulation is a bioactive substance extracted from several plants, often used for its beneficial effects on blood glucose management and lipid metabolism. It may help reduce blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, and improve heart health by lowering cholesterol. Berberine is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • The pullulan capsule, suitable for vegetarians, ensures the protection and effective release of berberine in the body.
1x sachet :


  • The Calanus finmarchicus oil, used in this formulation, is a rich source of cerides, a form of fatty acids that may be better absorbed and used by the body than the more common forms of omega-3. This includes omega-3 content, which is particularly effective in supporting various aspects of heart health and reducing inflammation.
  • astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant in the oil, helps protect cells from oxidative damage and may also play a role in improving muscle endurance and reducing fatigue .
1x sachet :


  • The Acetyl-L-Carnitine in this formulation is an enhanced form of L-carnitine, a natural compound that plays a crucial role in energy production by transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria of cells, where they are burned for energy. This action can support metabolism and is often used to promote weight loss, as it can help increase fat burning and improve exercise performance.
  • The pullulan capsule, a vegetarian alternative, ensures good conservation and release of active ingredients.

Tips for use 📋

How to take my cure.

The INTESTIN treatment consists of 6 capsules to take every day:

  • SVELT OMEGA 3 sachet: Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • BERBERINE ACTIV sachet: Take 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • CO Q10 OMEGA 3 sachet: Take 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • ACETYL CARN sachet: Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning.

Beneficial effects on the body.

  • Target the main causes of cellulite.
  • Improved the metabolism of glucose and lipids.
  • Helps optimize your cardiac function.

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the 1st week, it takes at least 3 months of treatment to reach 100% effectiveness and continue as long as you feel the effects.

Food - Weight loss - obesity (by Dr. Résimont)

“Do you want to take care of your health and well-being on a daily basis?”

So, you already know how crucial it is to adopt a good diet. A balanced, healthy diet provides the essential nutrients our body needs to function optimally. But did you know that the importance of a good diet goes far beyond simply meeting nutritional needs? In this article, we will explore the multiple benefits of a balanced diet, tips, ideas... Let us guide you on the path to better health through wise food choices. 

It is absolutely necessary to eat protein:in themorning and at midday both from a caloric point of view (transformation into fat of bread, cereals of morning and other sugars) than from a point of view of synthesis of neurotransmitters.

The amino acid tyrosine present in morning proteins is transformed into dopamine, a neurotransmitter which gives pleasure and the desire to undertake things, libido, joy to live, the non-withdrawal of oneself and which accentuates motivation. A dopamine deficiency is very often found in burnout.

The synthesis of noradrenaline is done by the same amino acid, so it is very important to eat protein at breakfast and at lunchtime. A lack of noradrenaline can cause physical and psychological fatigue-asthenia, but can also be a reflection of burnout lack of adrenal catecholamine synthesis.

The tryptophan present in proteins in the morning and at midday is transformed (if it is not destroyed by heat: cooking food) into serotonin at the end of the afternoon: neurotransmitter of well-being (the vast majority of depressives are deficient in serotonin) low serotonin will manifest itself through sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, waking up early with difficulty going back to sleep), carbohydrate or alcoholic compulsions, or other compulsions (drugs, games), irritability, anxiety-stress, and this serotonin will transform at the end of the evening into melatonin which triggers sleep, maintains good quality and recuperative sleep.

Lack of protein in the morning and midday is probably the main cause of depression.

For these neurotransmitters to be sufficiently synthesized, it is necessary:

  • that the cell walls are sufficiently flexible (sufficient omega 3 and 6).
  • that post synaptic receptors are not blocked by cytokines coming from excess intra-abdominal fat or from poor intestinal flora: dysbiosis (hypothyroidism and intestinal inflammation linked to a diet containing gluten and dairy products, excess alcohol ).
  • Also necessary to transform amino acids: tryptophan - tyrosine into neurovital transmitters. B6 - B9 - B12, Vitamin C, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium…

: 100% of the non-supplemented population is deficient in several of these vitamins/trace elements (examples: 100% vitamin D deficiency - minimum 90% magnesium, etc.).Good and bad calories:

  • Good calories are proteins, vegetables and fruits (except dates, figs, bananas, bunches of grapes, etc.) which cannot be accumulated or transformed into fat.
  • Bad calories arebread, pasta, rice, starchy foods that are transformed into fat in a few hours if there is no physical job or sporting activity lasting 30-45 minutes during the day (brisk walking is sufficient).
  • The fat in foods does not make you gain weight, but sugar from bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, couscous, and fast sugars like alcohol, soda, sweets...if not used immediately (within a few hours) during an activity 
  • To burn food, you need a burner: the thyroid; the vast majority of the population is hypothyroid and is not aware of it (see thyroid) and to disperse the calories from radiators = muscular mass ; if you have followed one or the other low-calorie diet, you have lost this possibility to disperse your calories. {No diet works long term}
  • Diet = 100% failure in the medium/long term(everyone knows the “yoyo”). No diet method can make you lose weight.

The only way to lose weight permanently is to eat correctly, have physical activity (minimum 5 days/7) and resolve underlying hormonal problems, cure intestinal dysbiosis which affects 90% of our patients. - 90% hypothyroidism in our population. - Multiple and systematic hormonal deficiencies with the advance in age: which leads to fatigue, weight gain, cancer, psychological disorders, discomfort, etc.Important principles in nutrition:

  • To drink a lot of water.
  • Eat fresh foods as much as possible" fresh fruits and vegetables are preferable to canned or dried fruits. On the other hand, prefer dried fruits to cornflakes or to a chocolate toast. Choose fresh meat over pre-packaged meat for long-term storage.
  • Chew food well. Food swallowed quickly is difficult to digest.
  • Eat enough protein (at each meal): chicken, fish, meat, eggs, sprouts.
  • Vary your diet : eating the same breakfast every day, even if it consists of healthy foods, can cause food allergies and intestinal dysfunctions.
  • Avoid sweets (at least 5 days a week) such as candy, chocolate, ice cream, pastries, sugary drinks, cola, etc.Sweets can:- Decrease levels of growth hormone, sex hormones and many other hormones.
    - Cause cavities and dental erosion.
    - Promote obesity.
    - Cause fatigue 40 minutes after ingestion (even if they give immediate energy).
    - Promote study problems, etc.
  • Moderate or better: stop the consumption of cereals (bread, pasta, pizza, etc.) for 2 reasons: presence of gluten which has become toxic for everyone and intake very high in calories (unless you are slim and sporty). The best alternative is to eat sprouted seeds. To do this: let the grains germinate for 12 hours in a bowl of water. Then pass them through a sieve and rinse them
    with water every 12 hours until they are sufficiently germinated.

Some ideas for a healthy lunch : many foods tend to initially give fleeting energy (around 15 minutes) and then cause around forty minutes later, fatigue and excessive nervous tension which can last for hours, or even possibly continue for 24 hours.Protein-rich breakfast:

  • Boiled egg (soft-boiled), omelette cooked at low temperature (do not brown it = burnt) with ham (without sugar), chicken fillet or shrimp.
  • Bacon (unsmoked) boiled over a layer of water.
  • Dried or raw ham (e.g. Parma ham), without nitrates (saltpeter is sodium nitrate), without sugar (no dextrose, sucrose, maltose, glucose or cane sugar).
  • An avocado mixed with fresh fruit.
  • plain soy yogurt (without added sugar).Essene bread (sprouted grain bread sold in health food stores).

And Breakfast rich in vitamins: Fresh fruit:

  • Fruit cannot be mixed with other foods (except sprouted grains).
  • Peel the fruit if it is not organic.
  • In the form of fruit salad (vary the composition each day).
  • Sprouted grains: various flavors exist depending on the type of grain and the preparation:
  • Preferably raw in order to preserve the vitamins.
  • Boiled (possibly mixed with nuts previously soaked for a few hours in water) or with pieces of fresh fruit to vary the taste.

What to drink? Water is the ideal drink. Failing that: herbal tea, caffeine-free tea, soy milk (the one without sugar, with a blander taste), nut milk (almond, etc.), rice milk (without added sugar - cocoa can be added).Should you take food supplements during breakfast?Fish oil supplements: omega 3 (fatty acids) are excellent for intellectual functions and mood as well as magnesium morning and evening and 5 to 10,000 units of vitamin D. A multivitamin complex is recommended (organic food does not always provide a sufficient quantity of minerals and vitamins).Some snack suggestions for 10:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m.:

  • One or more fresh fruits(vary the type of fruit each day).
  • Of the dried fruit: organic mangoes, pineapples, apples, dates (the larger ones are often the best, the smaller ones are often affected by mold). To digest them better, soak them in water beforehand.
  • Of the nut(previously immersed for a few hours in water) or hazelnuts (previously immersed in water for several days).

Vitamins and Foods:Cardiovascular functions:B group vitamins:

  • Sources of vitamin B6: soy, liver, meat, fish, brown rice, avocados, pulses.
  • Sources of vitamin B9: liver, oysters, soy, spinach, watercress, green vegetables, pulses, cheese
  • Sources of vitamin B12: liver, oysters, herring, fish, meat, eggs.


  • Source of Alpha and Beta-carotene: peppers, carrots, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, spirulina.
  • Source of Lycopenes: tomato, pink grapefruit, guava, watermelon, pomegranate.
  • Source of Lutein: green leafy vegetables: spinach, broccoli, cabbage.
  • Source of beta-crypto xanthine: oranges, tangerines.
  • Vitamin E: Hazelnuts, almonds, whole grains, egg, dark chocolate.
  • Zinc:Fish, oysters, shellfish, meats, egg yolk, onion, broccoli, beans, peas, watercress, brewer's yeast.
  • Copper:Crustaceans, liver, wheat, plums, green vegetables, dried vegetables.
  • Selenium: Garlic, Brazil nuts (3 per day), onion, cabbage, wheat germ, fruit, herring, oysters, brewer's yeast.
  • CoQ10: Oily fish, meats, broccoli, spinach, hazelnuts, soy.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid:Broccoli, spinach.

Neuro transmitter optimization: 

  • Tyrosine: Eggs, dairy products, white ham or turkey fillet, banana, avocado: IN THE MORNING (Dopamine and/or Adrenaline deficiency).
  • Tryptophan: Brown rice, undercooked meat, dairy products, chocolate, banana, almonds, soy, legumes): IN THE AFTERNOON (Serotonin deficiency).

Dr S. Résimont

Weight cure is too expensive!?

Life is expensive, but that is not inevitable.

At Suplemint, we fully understand today's economic challenges, including escalating prices and reduced purchasing power. It is with this in mind that we have designed complete, ready-to-use cures, thus avoiding high initial expenses to preserve your health.

What is in the weight cure?

In our 4-week course for weight management, you will find:

  • 28 capsules of BERBERINE ACTIV: Containing Berberine HB® at 375 mg per capsule, with a pullulan shell for optimal absorption.
  • 56 SVELT OMEGA 3 capsules: Each providing 1000 mg of Calanus finmarchicus (crustacean) oil, in the form of Seamega Pure Arctic Oil (Calanus® Oil). These capsules are rich in cerides (850 mg), omega-3 (185 mg) and astaxanthin (600 µg), encapsulated in fish gelatin.
  • 56 ACETYL CARN capsules: Each offering 1500 mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine, packaged in pullulan capsules for effective release.
  • 28 capsules of COQ10-OMEGA 3: Combining 1000 mg of fish oil (EPAX quality) with a balanced EPA + DHA omega-3 content of 700 mg (including at least 400 mg of EPA and 300 mg of DHA) . These capsules are also enriched with 200 mg of Co-enzyme Q10 and other components like glycerol (for texture), white beeswax (as a coating agent), water and lecithin ( for texture), all encapsulated in fish gelatin.

The Suplemint weight cure is currently priced at €117.42 including tax for 4 weeks of treatment, or precisely 28 days at €4.19 per day.

Let's compare with our competitors:

A) For the capsule: BERBERINE ACTIV

1) Berberine

  • Concurrent A : 42,75 € TTC / 120 capsules / 250 mg / 3 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 43.82 € TTC / 60 capsules / 500 mg / 1 par jour
  • Competitor C: €28.45 including tax / 60 capsules / 188 mg / 2 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is €0.615 / pill / day or €17.22 for 28 days.

B) 56 SVELT OMEGA 3 gels

1) Calanus finmachicus

  • Concurrent A : 76.95 € TTC / 180 capsules / 500 mg / 2 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 31.35 € TTC / 60 capsules / 1000 mg / 2 par jour
  • Competitor C: €35.75 including tax / 60 capsules / 750 mg / 2 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is €0.724 / pill / day or €40.54 for 28 days.

2) Omega-3

  • Concurrent A : 24,75 € TTC / 90 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 27.15 € TTC / 180 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 par jour
  • Competitor C: €44.91 including tax / 90 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is €0.308 / pill / dayor €17.25 for 28 days.

3) Astaxanthin

  • Concurrent A : 38.90 € TTC / 60 capsules / 8 mg / 2 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 16.88 € TTC / 60 capsules / 4 mg / 2 par jour
  • Competitor C: €24.25 including tax / 100 capsules / 4 mg / 2 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is 0.085 euro / pill / day or €4.76 for 28 days.

C) 56 capsules of ACETYL L CARNITINE

1) Acetyl L Carnitine

  • Concurrent A : 41.40 € TTC / 60 capsules / 500 mg / 2 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 38.40 € TTC / 60 capsules / 500 mg / 2 par jour
  • Competitor C: €36.65 including tax / 60 capsules / 500 mg / 2 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is 1.94 euro / pill / day or €108.64 for 28 days.

D) 28 capsules of CO Q10 OMEGA 3

1) OMEGA 3

  • Concurrent A : 24,75 € TTC / 90 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 27.15 € TTC / 180 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 par jour
  • Competitor C: €44.91 including tax / 90 capsules / 1000 mg / 1 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is 0.308 euro / pill / dayi.e. 17.25 euro for 28 days. 

2) Coenzym Q10

  • Concurrent A : 73.87 € TTC / 180 capsules / 100 mg / 2 par jour
  • Concurrent B : 49.85 € TTC / 90 capsules / 200 mg / 2 par jour
  • Competitor C: €23.75 including tax / 60 capsules / 100 mg / 2 per day So the average price per capsule at equivalent dosage and duration is €0.641 / pill / day or €17.95 for 28 days.

This analysis shows our advantageous pricing positioning compared to alternatives offered by the competition, while guaranteeing high quality supplements.

Nos conclusions :

Thus, by adding the averages of all prices, adjusted according to the dosage and the reference duration of 28 days, the average cost among our competitors reaches €223.61, which is 90.45% higher. This almost amounts to doubling the price.It is important to note that this comparison is based on a treatment duration of 28 days at Suplemint, while our competitors do not offer packaging adapted to this duration. To start an equivalent treatment in terms of ingredients – without even considering the specific dosages –you would have to pay on average €265.52 and consume at least 11 capsules per day, compared to only 6 for the Suplemint weight treatment. And to top it off, Suplemint offers delivery for any purchase over €50, an advantage not systematically offered by our competitors.


Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store dry at room temperature. Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. Not recommended for diabetics as well as people with liver or heart problems as well as people taking medication.

The detailed composition.

  • BERBERINE ACTIV capsule / 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning / For 1 capsule: Berberine HB® (375 mg), capsule: pullulan.
  • SVELT OMEGA 3 capsule / 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning / For 2 capsules: Calanus finmachicus oil (crustaceans)(Seamega Pure Arctic Oil (Calanus ® Oil) 1000 mg including 850 mg of cerides, 185 mg of omega-3 and 600 µg of astaxanthin, capsule: fish gelatin.
  • ACETYL CARN capsule / 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning / For 2 capsules:
    Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1500 mg, capsule: pullulan.
  • COQ10-OMEGA 3 capsule / 1 capsule on an empty stomach in the morning / For 1 capsule: Fish oil (EPAX quality oil) 1000 mg including omega-3 EPA + DHA 700 mg (EPA min. 400mg and DHA min. 300mg), capsule: fish gelatin, Co-enzyme Q10 200 mg, glycerol (texturing agent), white beeswax (coating agent), water, lecithin (texturing agent).

* Nutritional reference values.

Experts in charge 👨‍⚕️

Who are we ?

Leurs avis sur nos cures ✏️

They talk about us ⭐

Much more than just a cure 🤩

Suplemint, c'est des cures de micronutritions constituées de combinaison de compléments alimentaires journaliers, hautement dosés, conçus par des médecins, le tout dans un packaging pratique, simple et eco-friendly.

The answers to your questions 🔎

Can food supplements be dangerous for my health?

At Suplemint,  we do everything we can to ensure safety and optimal results. Our food supplement cures are carefully dosed by experts from the medical world. Together they develop the different formulas/cures according to the latest scientific discoveries and carefully select the highest quality raw materials on the market, favoring those that come from eco-responsible agriculture and fair trade. We therefore subject all our raw materials to toxicological and microbiological analyses.

That said, everyone is different and each case is unique. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if in doubt or if you have a medical condition. You will find all the necessary information regarding the treatment on each product page as well as on the product packaging.

Is your treatment really 100% natural?

The naturalness of our products is one of our main values. In the majority of cases, each capsule consists of ingredients of natural origin. Plants, fish oil from sustainable and eco-responsible fishing, minerals or trace elements are carefully chosen by our experts. In other cases, we choose efficiency, because the most reliable and concentrated source of vitamins and minerals is currently chemical.

We carefully select each of them for the most 100% European sourcing. We are particularly careful not to use unnecessary excipients.

Is your treatment compatible with medical treatment?

If you are following medical treatment, it is important to note that some of our treatments may have contraindications with:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidiabetics
  • Medicines for kidney disease

It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before starting one of our treatments. For each treatment, you will find all the necessary information to share with your doctor in the “ADVICE FOR USE / CONTRAINDICATION” section on the product page.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

How long should I take my treatment?

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the first week, our experts have determined that at least 3 months of treatment are necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness.

Can different cures be combined?

Absolutely ! It is entirely possible to combine several treatments. In fact, certain combinations are even recommended by our specialists. Here are some suggested complementary combinations:


However, we do not recommend combining certain treatments:


If you have the slightest uncertainty, do not hesitate to contact us or consult your doctor.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

Lots of good recipes 🥦

Chez Suplemint, nous adorons offrir des cadeaux 🎁, particulièrement à notre communauté qui privilégie les plaisirs sains 😊 C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu, en collaboration avec nos experts 👩‍⚕️ un e-book regorgeant de recettes bien-être et de conseils santé exclusivement pour vous.

Nos points forts 💪

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Vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? Vous avez des doutes sur les contre-indications ? Pas de soucis, nos experts sont là pour vous aider à mieux cerner vos problèmes et à vous proposer des solutions adaptées. Il vous suffit de prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts dès maintenant. C'est 100% gratuit !