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SPORT pack

Pour optimiser son entrainement.
Une cure, 5 sachets, 7 gélules par jour, plus de 12 ingrédients.
  • Contribue à optimiser votre fonction musculaire et accélère la récupération physique après l’effort.
  • Réduit la fatigue et favorise un bon développement musculaire.
  • Aide à maintenir la vigilance et l'énergie mentale du sportif.
Choose your formula
Usual price 103,60€ EUR
Usual price promotional price 103,60€ EUR
Taxes included.

Maximize your performance with our 'Sport' pack. Designed to support endurance, recovery and muscle strength. Formulated by micronutrition experts.

Unique & highly dosed ingredients.

  • L-CARNOSINE capsule / 1 capsule before activity / Per capsule: L-Carnosine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan.
  • BETA ALANINE capsule / 1 capsule before activity / Per capsule: Beta-Alanine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan, Spirulina platensis powder 100 mg.
  • ADRENO+ capsule / 1 capsule before activity/ Per capsule: Klamath algae powder (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)(200 mg including phycocianin 11.3%22.6 mg), Bacopa monnieri extract (150mg including bacosides 50%75 mg), capsule: pullulan, HRG80™ ginseng powder (50 mg), Panax ginseng CA Meyer extract (50 mg including total ginsenoids 11.45 mg / including rare ginseng 5 mg), Oryza sativa L., Ginkgo biloba extract (60 mg including flavonol glycoside 24% 14.4 mg / including terpeno-lactones 6% 3.6 mg), L-Tyrosine 37.5 mg.
  • RECUP+ capsule / 3 capsules before activity/ For 3 capsules: Anhydrous potassium citrate 900 mg including 324 mg potassium element (VNR = 16.2%), anhydrous magnesium citrate 600 mg including 97.2 mg element ( VNR = 25.9%), capsule: bovine gelatin.
  • L-TYRO ACTIV capsule / 1 capsule before activity/ Per capsule:L-tyrosine (500 mg), capsule: pullulan.

* Nutritional reference values.

Fast & secure delivery / Subscription.*

Delivery :

- Free from 50€ of purchase in France and the Benelux only.

- Bpack World Business delivery in 2-3 days for the Benelux / 2-5 days for France / 6-12 days for the rest of the world.*

- DHL Express delivery in 24-48 hours for the Benelux and France / 48 hours 72 hours for the rest of the world.*

* Working days and excluding technical problems / Shortage of raw materials and/or limited stock indicated at the time of purchase.

Subscription :

- 3 months minimum, debit and delivery every 4 weeks. Cancellable at any time after 3 months, automatic renewal.

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12 Ingrédients

Conçues par des médecins

Sans excipients

Scientifiquement prouvées

100% Eco-friendly

Remboursement sous 30 jours.

A muscular composition 💪

Maximize your performance and sports recovery with our sports cure, designed to be taken before your activity. L-CARNOSINE and BETA ALANINE contribute to endurance and reduce muscle fatigue. ADRENO+ boosts your mental and physical energy with a unique blend of Klamath, Bacopa, and Ginseng algae. RECUP+ provides essential electrolytes for optimal recovery. L-TYRO ACTIV, rich in L-tyrosine, helps improve concentration and resistance to stress. An effective combination to support your sporting goals.

Le contenu de la cure 💊

1x sachet :


  • Klamath Algae Powder: Provides phycocianin, a pigment with antioxidant properties, which may help improve endurance and post-exercise recovery by reducing oxidation and inflammation.
  • Bacopa monnieri extract: With a high concentration of bacosides, this extract supports cognitive function, essential for concentration and strategy during sporting activities.
  • Ginseng HRG80™ and Panax ginseng CA Meyer: Renowned for their invigorating effects, these ginseng extracts increase energy, improve resistance to stress, and can help maintain a high level of physical performance.
  • Ginkgo biloba extract: Improves peripheral and cerebral circulation, which is crucial for optimal performance and can help improve tissue oxygenation during exercise.
  • L-Tyrosine: An amino acid precursor of neurotransmitters, supporting alertness, responsiveness and the ability to manage physical and psychological stress during exercise.
1x sachet :


  • Citrate de Potassium Anhydre: Fournit une source de potassium, un électrolyte essentiel qui aide à réguler la pression artérielle, maintient l'équilibre hydrique et est crucial pour le fonctionnement normal des cellules nerveuses et musculaires. Le potassium aide également à contrer les effets du sodium et peut être bénéfique pour la santé cardiovasculaire.
  • Citrate de Magnésium Anhydre: Offre du magnésium, un minéral vital pour de nombreuses fonctions biologiques, y compris le métabolisme énergétique, la fonction nerveuse et musculaire, et la synthèse des protéines. Le magnésium joue également un rôle dans le maintien de la santé osseuse et est connu pour aider à la détente musculaire et à réduire les crampes.
1x sachet :


  • L-Carnosine: Cet ingrédient est un dipeptide composé de deux acides aminés, la bêta-alanine et l'histidine. La L-Carnosine est particulièrement reconnue pour ses propriétés antioxydantes qui aident à protéger les cellules contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres. Elle joue également un rôle dans la modulation de la glycation, un processus qui peut contribuer au vieillissement de la peau et à la dégradation des tissus.
  • Gélule de Pullulane: La gélule de pullulane, un polysaccharide naturel issu de l'amidon de tapioca, sert d'enveloppe pour la L-Carnosine, assurant une délivrance effective tout en étant appropriée pour les végétariens.
1x sachet :


  • Beta-Alanine: Cet acide aminé non essentiel est reconnu pour augmenter les niveaux de carnosine dans les muscles. La carnosine agit comme un tampon, réduisant l'accumulation d'acide lactique pendant l'effort intense, ce qui peut aider à améliorer la performance sportive, à prolonger l'endurance, et à réduire la fatigue musculaire.
  • Spirulina platensis: Cette algue est une source dense de nutriments, riche en protéines, vitamines B, antioxydants et minéraux. Elle est souvent utilisée pour son effet énergisant, pour soutenir le système immunitaire, et pour aider à la récupération musculaire après l'exercice grâce à ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires.
  • Gélule de Pullulane: La gélule de pullulane, issue de sources végétales, sert d'enveloppe pour ces composants, assurant une libération efficace et une bonne biodisponibilité, adaptée aux végétariens.
1x sachet :


  • L-Tyrosine: C'est un acide aminé non essentiel qui joue un rôle crucial dans la production de plusieurs neurotransmetteurs importants, tels que la dopamine, l'épinéphrine et la norépinéphrine. Ces neurotransmetteurs sont essentiels pour réguler l'humeur, la vigilance et la réponse au stress.
  • Gélule de Pullulane: Fabriquée à partir de tapioca, elle est naturellement fermentée et offre une alternative végétalienne aux gélules de gélatine. Elle est utilisée pour encapsuler la L-Tyrosine, assurant une libération efficace de l'acide aminé dans le système digestif.

Tips for use 📋

How to take my cure.

Everything you need to know to optimize your training naturally. Our treatment consists of 7 pills to take daily:

  • 1x capsule "L-CARNOSINE"to be taken before any activity.
  • 1x capsule "BETA ALANINE"to be taken before any activity.
  • 1x capsule "ADRENO+"to be taken before any activity.
  • 3x capsules "RECUP+"to be taken before any activity.
  • 1x capsule "L-TYRO ACTIV"to be taken before any activity.

Why so much? Because each capsule consists of only one or a few active agents to guarantee an ultra-effective dosage of our products.

Beneficial effects on the body.

  • Contributes to a function muscular normal.
  • Contribute to reduce fatigue".
  • Helps maintain vigilance and mental energy.
  • Contributes to the mental performance.

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the 1st week, it takes at least 3 months of treatment to reach 100% effectiveness and continue as long as you feel the effects.

Nutrition advice.

Even further, even stronger!

  1. Optimal hydration: Make sure you stay well hydrated throughout the day and during your workouts. Cramps can often be caused by dehydration. Drink enough water and also consider energy drinks to replace electrolytes lost during exercise.
  2. Macronutrient Balance: Make sure you eat a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Protein helps with recovery and building muscle, carbohydrates provide energy for endurance, and healthy fats are important for overall health. Try to eat natural foods and avoid processed products as much as possible.
  3. Pre- and post-workout snacks: Before training, opt for snacks rich in carbohydrates to have enough energy. After training, choose protein-rich snacks to support recovery and muscle growth. For example, a banana and a handful of almonds before training, followed by Greek yogurt with fruit after training.
  4. Meal Planning: Plan your meals around your workouts. Eat a full meal approximately 3-4 hours before training to allow for proper digestion. If you have little time before training, opt for a light snack. After training, try to eat a full meal within 1 to 2 hours of exercise to help with recovery and bulking.

Health tips.

Learn to play sports again.

  1. Regular physical activity: Exercise regularly to maintain your physical and mental health. Choose an activity you enjoy, whether it's walking, running, swimming, cycling, or other sports. Try to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week.
  2. Balanced diet: Eat a balanced and varied diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed foods, sugar and salt. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay well hydrated.
  3. Stress management: Find stress management techniques that work for you, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or other relaxing activities. Chronic stress can have a negative impact on health, so it's important to take time to relax and recharge.
  4. Quality sleep: Pay special attention to your sleep. Try to sleep about 7 to 9 hours per night to allow your body to rest and recover. Establish a regular sleep routine and make sure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.


Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of treatment for diabetes. Consult your doctor in case of simultaneous use of anticoagulants. Not recommended in cases of autoimmune diseases. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Store dry at room temperature. Magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance. Not recommended for people taking anti-depressant treatment.

The detailed composition.

  • L-CARNOSINE capsule / 1 capsule before activity / Per capsule: L-Carnosine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan.
  • BETA ALANINE capsule / 1 capsule before activity / Per capsule: Beta-Alanine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan, Spirulina platensis powder 100 mg.
  • ADRENO+ capsule / 1 capsule before activity/ Per capsule: Klamath algae powder (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)(200 mg including phycocianin 11.3%22.6 mg), Bacopa monnieri extract (150mg including bacosides 50%75 mg), capsule: pullulan, HRG80™ ginsgeng powder ( 50 mg), Panax ginseng CA Meyer extract (50 mg including total ginsenoids 11.45 mg / including rare ginseng 5 mg), Oryza sativa L., Ginkgo biloba extract (60 mg including flavonol glycoside 24% 14.4 mg / including terpeno-lactones 6%3.6 mg), L-Tyrosine 37.5 mg.
  • RECUP+ capsule / 3 capsules before activity / For 3 capsules: Anhydrous potassium citrate 900 mg including 324 mg potassium element (VNR = 16.2%), anhydrous magnesium citrate 600 mg including 97.2 mg element (VNR = 25.9%), capsule: bovine gelatin.
  • L-TYRO ACTIV capsule / 1 capsule before activity / Per capsule: L-tyrosine (500 mg), capsule: pullulan.

* Nutrient reference values.

Experts in charge 👨‍⚕️

Who are we ?

Leurs avis sur nos cures ✏️

They talk about us ⭐

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Much more than just a cure 🤩

Suplemint, c'est des cures de micronutritions constituées de combinaison de compléments alimentaires journaliers, hautement dosés, conçus par des médecins, le tout dans un packaging pratique, simple et eco-friendly.

The answers to your questions 🔎

Can food supplements be dangerous for my health?

At Suplemint,  we do everything we can to ensure safety and optimal results. Our food supplement cures are carefully dosed by experts from the medical world. Together they develop the different formulas/cures according to the latest scientific discoveries and carefully select the highest quality raw materials on the market, favoring those that come from eco-responsible agriculture and fair trade. We therefore subject all our raw materials to toxicological and microbiological analyses.

That said, everyone is different and each case is unique. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if in doubt or if you have a medical condition. You will find all the necessary information regarding the treatment on each product page as well as on the product packaging.

Is your treatment really 100% natural?

The naturalness of our products is one of our main values. In the vast majority of cases, each capsule consists of ingredients of natural origin. Plants, fish oil from sustainable and eco-responsible fishing, minerals or trace elements are carefully chosen by our experts. In other cases, we choose efficiency because the most reliable and concentrated source of vitamins and minerals is currently chemical.

We carefully select each of them for 100% European sourcing. We are particularly careful not to use unnecessary excipients.

Is your treatment compatible with medical treatment?

If you are following medical treatment, it is important to note that some of our treatments may have contraindications with:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidiabetics
  • Medicines for kidney disease

It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before starting one of our treatments. For each treatment, you will find all the necessary information to share with your doctor in the “ADVICE FOR USE / CONTRAINDICATION” section on the product page.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

How long should I take my treatment?

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the first week, our experts have determined that at least 3 months of treatment are necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness.

Can different cures be combined?

Absolutely ! It is entirely possible to combine several treatments. In fact, certain combinations are even recommended by our specialists. Here are some suggested complementary combinations:


However, we do not recommend combining certain treatments:


If you have the slightest uncertainty, do not hesitate to contact us or consult your doctor.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

Lots of good recipes 🥦

Chez Suplemint, nous adorons offrir des cadeaux 🎁, particulièrement à notre communauté qui privilégie les plaisirs sains 😊 C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu, en collaboration avec nos experts 👩‍⚕️ un e-book regorgeant de recettes bien-être et de conseils santé exclusivement pour vous.

Nos points forts 💪

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Free 15-minute consultation 📞

Vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? Vous avez des doutes sur les contre-indications ? Pas de soucis, nos experts sont là pour vous aider à mieux cerner vos problèmes et à vous proposer des solutions adaptées. Il vous suffit de prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts dès maintenant. C'est 100% gratuit !