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MAN+ pack

Pour une sexualité débordante.
Une cure, 2 sachets, 4 gélules par jour, plus de 15 ingrédients.
  • Favorise une bonne santé sexuelle et optimise votre libido.
  • Participe à améliorer votre condition physique et une bonne récupération après l'effort.
  • Optimise votre circulation sanguine et participe à l'érection.
Choose your formula
Usual price 123,60€ EUR
Usual price promotional price 123,60€ EUR
Taxes included.

Improve your well-being and sexual health with our 28-day MAN+ pack. Designed by experts, it promotes good sexual health and better blood circulation. 100% biodegradable packaging, fast and secure delivery.

See the detailed composition.

  • STIM+ capsule / 3 capsules before the evening meal / For 3 capsules: Capsule: pullulan, Eleutherococcus (330 mg), rice starch, red Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.) (300 mg of which 72 mg of ginsenosides), Damiana (Turnera diffusa W.) (300 mg), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. – 300 mg), rice flour; Pinus pinaster (Pycnogenol®)(60 mg), nicotinamide (54 mg; VNR= 337.5%), KaempMax (keampferia Parviflora – 45 mg), zinc bisglycinate (45 mg including 11.25 mg of elemental zinc; VNR* = 112.5 %), rapeseed oil (Brassica napus L.), saffron (Crocus sativus L. - 30mg).
  • MACA capsule / 2 capsules before the evening meal/ For 2 capsules: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp - 1000 mg), pullulan capsule.
  • COQ10-OMEGA3 capsule / 1 capsule before the evening meal / Per capsule: Fish oil (EPAX** quality oil) (1000 mg including min. 400 mg of EPA and min. 300 mg of DHA), capsule: fish gelatin, Co-enzyme Q10 (200 mg), glycerol (texturing agent), white beeswax (coating agent), water, lecithin (texturing agent).** Issue sustainable and eco-responsible fishing certified Friends Of the Sea.

* Nutritional reference values.

Delivery / Subscription / Guarantee.

Delivery :

  • Free from 50€ of purchase in France and the Benelux only.
  • Bpack World Business delivery in 2-3 days for Benelux / 2-5 days for France / 6-12 days for the rest of the world.*
  • DHL Express delivery in 24-48 hours for the Benelux and France / 48 hours 72 hours for the rest of the world.*
  • * Working days and excluding technical problems / Shortage of raw materials and/or limited stock indicated at the time of purchase.

Subscription :

  • 3 months minimum, debit and delivery every 4 weeks. Cancellable at any time after 3 months, automatic renewal.

Guarantee :

  • Satisfied or refunded within 30 days if the product received does not correspond to the item presented, find out more?
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An inflated composition 🍆

Invigorate your libido and support your sexual well-being with our Homme+ cure. To be taken before the evening meal, STIM+ combines Eleutherococcus, Red Ginseng, Damiana, Fenugreek, and other components for natural stimulation. MACA reinforces this action with its recognized effects on sexual vigor. COQ10-OMEGA3, enriched with fish oil and coenzyme Q10, completes the formula by optimizing cellular energy and blood circulation. A dynamic combination for increased sexual vitality.

Tips for use 📋

How to take my cure.

For a renewed desire! Say goodbye to sexual fatigue and hello to newfound vitality! The MEN+ treatment consists of 6 capsules to take every day:

  • 3x capsules "WE KNOW +“just before you go to bed.
  • 2x capsules "READ“just before you go to bed.
  • 1x capsule "COQ10 OMEGA 3“just before you go to bed.

Why so much? Because each capsule consists of only one or a few active agents to guarantee an ultra-effective dosage of our products.

Beneficial effects on the body.

  • Contribute to optimize your blood circulation.
  • Favors a good sexual health.
  • Help improve your physical condition and a good recovery.
  • Helps maintain good cardiac function.

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the 1st week, it takes at least 3 months of treatment to reach 100% effectiveness and continue as long as you feel the effects.

Nutrition advice.

Spice up your diet!

1. Incorporate ginseng into your diet. Ginseng is a stimulant of the nervous, physical and intellectual system. It tones the body, allows for better intellectual concentration and a recovery of strength.

It is a plant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

2. Maca has a low glycemic index which is therefore ideal for everyone.

Rich in antioxidants and fiber, it is also a source of vitamins C, B and minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus. By sprinkling it into your dishes every day, you can improve your general vitality since maca is recognized as stimulating the body's resistance, libido and hormonal balance. For the most athletic, it will help improve your physical performance.

To fully benefit from its virtues, you can consume between 2 and 5 g per day or more, to be adapted according to your own feelings and effects.

Health tips.

Fire up your imagination!

1. Do regular muscular physical activity because it increases testosterone production.

2. Get enough sleep. For a good libido it is essential to sleep enough, regularly and to have restful sleep.

3. Limit the consumption of alcohol, drugs, sugary products and processed foods as much as possible, all of which have a negative effect on libido.

4. Remember to take care of your diet, the source of the precursors of all the hormones (thyroid, adrenal, etc.) essential for a good libido.


Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consumption should be limited to a few weeks-months. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of treatment for diabetes. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of treatment for depression. Do not use if pregnant. Store dry at room temperature. Eleutherococcus promotes good physical health and good blood circulation.

The detailed composition.

  • STIM+ capsule / 3 capsules before the evening meal / For 3 capsules: Capsule: pullulan, Eleutherococcus (330 mg), rice starch, red Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.) (300 mg including 72 mg of ginsenosides), Damiana (Turnera diffusa W.) (300 mg), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. – 300 mg), rice flour; Pinus pinaster (Pycnogenol®)(60 mg), nicotinamide (54 mg; VNR= 337.5%), KaempMax (keampferia Parviflora – 45 mg), zinc bisglycinate (45 mg including 11.25 mg of elemental zinc; VNR* = 112.5 %), rapeseed oil (Brassica napus L.), saffron (Crocus sativus L. - 30mg).

  • MACA capsule / 2 capsules before the evening meal / For 2 capsules: Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp - 1000 mg), gélule pullulane.
  • COQ10-OMEGA3 capsule / 1 capsule before the evening meal / Per capsule: Fish oil (EPAX** quality oil) (1000 mg including min. 400 mg of EPA and min. 300 mg of DHA), capsule: fish gelatin, Co-enzyme Q10 (200 mg), glycerol (protecting agent texture), white beeswax (coating agent), water, lecithin (texturing agent).** From sustainable and eco-responsible fishing certified Friends Of the Sea.

* Nutrient reference values.

Experts in charge 👨‍⚕️

Who are we ?

Much more than just a cure 🤩

Suplemint, c'est des cures de micronutritions constituées de combinaison de compléments alimentaires journaliers, hautement dosés, conçus par des médecins, le tout dans un packaging pratique, simple et eco-friendly.

They talk about us ⭐

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Lots of good recipes 🥦

Chez Suplemint, nous adorons offrir des cadeaux 🎁, particulièrement à notre communauté qui privilégie les plaisirs sains 😊 C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu, en collaboration avec nos experts 👩‍⚕️ un e-book regorgeant de recettes bien-être et de conseils santé exclusivement pour vous.

The answers to your questions 🔎

Is your libido treatment suitable for both men and women?

HOMME+ is a solution composed of effective ingredients to stimulate male desire. However, because libido problems are not unique to men, a female cure is currently being developed.

Can food supplements be dangerous for my health?

At Suplemint, we do everything we can to ensure safety and optimal results. Our food supplement cures are carefully dosed by experts from the medical world. Together, they develop different formulas/cures according to the latest scientific discoveries and carefully select the highest quality raw materials on the market, favoring those that come from eco-responsible agriculture and fair trade. We therefore subject all our raw materials to toxicological and microbiological analyses.

That said, everyone is different and each case is unique. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if in doubt or if you have a medical condition. You will find all the necessary information regarding the treatment on each product page as well as on the product packaging.

Is your treatment really 100% natural?

The naturalness of our products is one of our main values. In the majority of cases, each capsule consists of ingredients of natural origin. Plants, fish oil from sustainable and eco-responsible fishing, minerals or trace elements are carefully chosen by our experts. In other cases, we choose efficiency, because the most reliable and concentrated source of vitamins and minerals is currently chemical.

We carefully select each of them for the most 100% European sourcing. We are particularly careful not to use unnecessary excipients.

Can I take your course of food supplements with medical treatment?

If you are following medical treatment, it is important to note that some of our treatments may have contraindications with:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidiabetics
  • Medicines for kidney disease

It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before starting one of our treatments. For each treatment, you will find all the necessary information to share with your doctor in the “ADVICE FOR USE / CONTRAINDICATION” section on the product page.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

How long should I take my cure?

Although some beneficial effects are felt from the first week, our experts have determined that at least 3 months of treatment are necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness.

For optimal effect, we recommend 6-month cures interspersed with a month off to give your body time to perfectly assimilate the vitamins & minerals present in our cures..

Can different cures be combined?

Absolutely ! It is entirely possible to combine several treatments. In fact, certain combinations are even recommended by our specialists. Here are some suggested complementary combinations:


However, we do not recommend combining certain treatments:


If you have the slightest uncertainty, do not hesitate to contact us or consult your doctor.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

Free 15-minute consultation 📞

Vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? Vous avez des doutes sur les contre-indications ? Pas de soucis, nos experts sont là pour vous aider à mieux cerner vos problèmes et à vous proposer des solutions adaptées. Il vous suffit de prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts dès maintenant. C'est 100% gratuit !

Nos points forts 💪

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