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Pour une thyroïde équilibrée.
Une cure, 3 sachets, 4 gélules par jour, plus de 24 ingrédients.
  • Participe à une fonction thyroïdienne normale et équilibrée.
  • Source d'iode, essentiel pour la production des hormones thyroïdiennes, pouvant soutenir le métabolisme énergétique.
  • Aide à la perte de poids en accompagnement d'un régime approprié.
Choose your formula
Usual price 123,60€ EUR
Usual price promotional price 123,60€ EUR
Taxes included.
  • Produit disponible uniquement en France (Bientôt pour la Belgique).
  • Support your thyroid with our 'Thyroid' pack. Designed to help the proper functioning of the thyroid. Formulated by micronutrition experts.

    See the detailed composition.

    • THYROID + capsule / 2 capsules before breakfast / For 2 capsules:Guggul (Commiphora mukul) 266 mg including 26.6 mg of guggulsterones, capsule: pullulan, ashwagandha (KSM 66®) (Withania somnifera) 200 mg including 10 mg of withanolides, L-tyrosine (166.6 mg), bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 160 mg including 100 µg of iodine (NRV*: 66.6%), Oryza sativa, Sophora Japonica (35 mg including 33.3 mg of kaempferol), zinc bisglycinate 33.33 mg including 10 mg of zinc (VNR*= 100%), yeast selenium 18.3 mg including 36.6 µg of selenium (VNR*= 66.6%) , rice starch, manganese gluconate 5.4 mg including 0.66 mg of manganese (VNR*= 33.3%), methylcobalamin 8.3 µg (VNR*= 333.3%).
    • L-TYRO TOP capsule / 1 capsule before breakfast / For 1 capsule: L-Tyrosine (125 mg), rice starch, capsule: pullulan, ascorbic acid (30 mg, VNR*= 37.5%), rice flour, nicotinamide (6 mg, VNR*= 37.5%), riboflavin (525 µg, VNR*= 37.5%), pyridoxine hydrochloride (525 µg, VNR*= 37, 5%), (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid in the form of glucosamine salt (Quatrefolic®) (75 µg, VNR*= 37.5%), methylcobalamin (0.94 µg, VNR*= 37.5%) .
    • ADRENO + capsule / 1 capsules before breakfast / For 1 capsule: Klamath algae powder (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)(200 mg including phycocianin 11.3%22.6 mg), extract Bacopa monnieri (150 mg including bacosides 50% 75 mg), capsule: pullulan, HRG80™ ginseng powder (50 mg), Panax ginseng CA Meyer extract (50 mg including total ginsenoids 11.45 mg / including rare ginseng 5 mg), Oryza sativa L., Ginkgo biloba extract (60 mg including flavonol glycoside 24% 14.4 mg / including terpeno-lactones 6% 3.6 mg), L-Tyrosine 37.5 mg.

      * Nutritional reference values.

    Delivery / Subscription / Guarantee.

    Delivery :

    • Free from 50€ of purchase in France and the Benelux only.
    • Bpack World Business delivery in 2-3 days for Benelux / 2-5 days for France / 6-12 days for the rest of the world.*
    • DHL Express delivery in 24-48 hours for the Benelux and France / 48 hours 72 hours for the rest of the world.*
    • * Working days and excluding technical problems / Shortage of raw materials and/or limited stock indicated at the time of purchase.

    Subscription :

    • 3 months minimum, debit and delivery every 4 weeks. Cancellable at any time after 3 months, automatic renewal.

    Guarantee :

    • Satisfied or refunded within 30 days if the product received does not correspond to the item presented, find out more?
    Show all details

    26 Ingrédients

    Conçues par des médecins

    Sans excipients

    Scientifiquement prouvées

    100% Eco-friendly

    Remboursement sous 30 jours.

    A precise composition 🔬

    Our thyroid treatment, to be taken before breakfast, combines THYROID +, L-TYRO TOP, and ADRENO + to contribute to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, boost energy and resistance to stress, thus promoting well-being general.

    Le contenu de la cure 💊

    1x sachet :


    • L-Tyrosine : An amino acid precursor to various neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are essential for the regulation of mood, motivation and the stress response.
    • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C): Contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress and supports the immune system while playing a role in the synthesis of collagen for the health of the skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage.
    • Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3): Essential for energy metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system.
    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Helps maintain healthy cells and plays a role in iron metabolism, essential for transporting oxygen in the body.
    • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6): Crucial for protein metabolism and energy production. It is also important for the creation of red blood cells.
    • (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic as glucosamine salt (Quatrefolic®): An advanced, more bioavailable form of folate essential for DNA synthesis and other genetic functions.
    • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12): Plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain, the nervous system and for blood formation.
    1x sachet :


    • Guggul: Contains guggulsterones which may positively influence thyroid function and help with cholesterol management.
    • Ashwagandha (KSM 66®): Adaptogen that helps regulate stress levels and support thyroid hormone production.
    • L-Tyrosine: Amino acid precursor of thyroid hormones, essential for the synthesis of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
    • Vedicular Fucus: Natural source of iodine, a mineral crucial for the production of thyroid hormones. Helps maintain a balanced metabolism.
    • Zinc bisglycinate: Zinc is vital for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and for energy metabolism.
    • Yeast Selenium: Selenium is essential for the conversion of T4 to T3, the active thyroid hormone.
    • Manganese Gluconate: Manganese plays a role in various enzymatic processes and may contribute to thyroid health.
    • Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12): Supports energy metabolism and is important for maintaining cellular energy.
    1x sachet :

    ADRENO +

    • Extrait de Bacopa monnieri: Riche en bacosides, connus pour leur capacité à améliorer la mémoire, la capacité d'apprentissage, et à protéger le cerveau contre le stress oxydatif.
    • Poudre de ginseng HRG80™ et extrait de Panax ginseng CA Meyer: Ces deux formes de ginseng sont réputées pour leur effet stimulant sur la fonction mentale et physique. Les ginsenoïdes et les ginseng rares contribuent à augmenter la résistance au stress et à améliorer la concentration et la vigilance.
    • Extrait de Ginkgo biloba: Reconnu pour améliorer la circulation sanguine, notamment vers le cerveau, favorisant ainsi une meilleure oxygénation et une meilleure fonction cognitive. Les glycosides de flavonol et les terpéno-lactones sont actifs dans la protection des cellules nerveuses.
    • L-Tyrosine: Un précurseur de plusieurs neurotransmetteurs importants qui soutiennent la fonction mentale et la réponse au stress.

    Tips for use 📋

    How to take my cure.

    The THYROID treatment consists of 4 capsules to take every day:

    • THYROID+ sachet: Take 2 capsules in the morning, before breakfast.
    • ADRENO+ sachet: Take 1 capsule in the morning, before breakfast.
    • L TYRO TOP sachet: Take 1 capsule in the morning, before breakfast.

    Beneficial effects on the body.

    • Source of iodine, essential for the production of thyroid hormones, which can support energy metabolism..
    • Participates in normal and balanced thyroid function.
    • Helps with weight loss alongside an appropriate diet.

    Although certain beneficial effects will be felt from the 1st week, it takes at least 3 months of treatment to reach 100% effectivenessand continue as long as you feel the effects.

    Thyroid function and hypothyroidism

    Understanding Thyroid Function: A Complete Guide to Hypothyroidism

    The thyroid gland is an essential organ that regulates many vital functions in our body. Its complexity and the importance of its proper functioning are often underestimated, leading to frequent misunderstandings. Through recent studies, emphasis is placed on the importance of a comprehensive clinical assessment, beyond just blood tests, for a thorough understanding of thyroid health.

    Keys to Understanding Thyroid Hormones: TSH, T3, and T4

    • TSH and Hypothyroidism: Studies indicate that a TSH level below 1.5 may be ideal. Values ​​above this suggest hypothyroidism, often corroborated by clinical symptoms. Current standards (0.3-4.3) are not sufficient to detect many cases of hypothyroidism.
    • Free T3 Explained: A level above 5.2 pmol/L is recommended for free T3. Lower values ​​may indicate subclinical hypothyroidism.
    • Limitations of Free T4: Despite its frequent measurement, free T4 has limited utility in assessing thyroid function because it is an inactive hormone.

    Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism manifests itself with a multitude of symptoms, including chilliness, weight gain, and fatigue. An accurate diagnostic approach is crucial to identify this condition, which increases the risk of several chronic diseases.

    Treating Hypothyroidism: Beyond T4

    Management of hypothyroidism goes beyond standard treatment with T4 alone, which often proves insufficient. A combination of T3 and T4 may be more effective, especially in patients who have difficulty converting T4 to active T3. Personalization of treatment and attention to symptoms are essential for optimal balance.

    The Importance of Personalized Treatment Management

    Informed self-management and recognition of signs of cortisol overdose or deficiency are crucial for treatment effectiveness. A thorough understanding of the nuances of thyroid function and tailoring treatment to individual needs can significantly improve the quality of life of affected individuals.

    Conclusion: Towards Optimized Well-being

    The management of hypothyroidism highlights the importance of the personalized approach in medicine. By combining current scientific knowledge with careful observation of symptoms, we can move toward better thyroid health and improved overall well-being.

    Dr. Résimont, in collaboration with thyroid health experts, offers an enriching perspective on the management of hypothyroidism, drawing on credible sources and recent studies.

    A Guide to Holistic Nutrition

    Nutrition plays a major role in supporting thyroid function and overall well-being. Adopting a balanced diet is essential not only for thyroid health but also for maintaining optimal health at all levels. This article explores the foundations of a beneficial thyroid diet, offering a practical guide for those looking to improve their thyroid and overall health.

    Fundamentals of a Diet for Thyroid Health

    1. Start the Day with a Protein-Rich Breakfast

    The quality of your breakfast sets the tone for your day. High-quality proteins stimulate the production of key neurotransmitters and support gut health, essential for a functioning thyroid.

    • Protein Sources: Include eggs, fatty fish, and plant-based proteins.
    • Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Be sure to consume healthy fats for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K.

    2. Reduce Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods

    These products can unbalance hormones and encourage inflammation. Choose whole, fresh foods to minimize exposure to harmful substances.

    3. Favor Plants

    Plants provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting the thyroid and fighting inflammation. Include a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.

    4. Choosing Low Caloric Density Foods

    Opt for foods that are high in nutrients but low in calories to promote satiety without excess calories.

    5. Incorporate Antioxidants

    Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, protecting thyroid cells and the entire body. Sources include berries, dried fruits, vegetables, and oily fish.

    6. Opting for Foods with a Low Glycemic Index

    Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for hormonal balance. Choose foods that don't cause blood sugar spikes.

    7. Balancing Dietary Fats

    A good balance of omega 3, 6, and 9 is vital for reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy thyroid.

    Foods to Avoid for Thyroid Health

    • Gluten and Dairy Products: May be pro-inflammatory for some, exacerbating thyroid symptoms.
    • Light Foods and Artificial Sweeteners: May disrupt metabolic health and promote inflammation.

    By following these principles, you not only support your thyroid but also contribute to your overall well-being. A proper diet is the key to a life full of energy and health.

    Sources:, Dr. Resimont, Cerden Nutritherapy Course, by Nikki Verbreyt – Nutrition Coach.


    Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of treatment for diabetes. Consult your doctor in case of simultaneous use of anticoagulants. Not recommended in cases of autoimmune diseases. Bladder fucus, guggul and selenium contribute to the proper functioning of the thyroid. Store dry at room temperature. Not recommended for people taking anti-depressant treatment. Not recommended for children and adolescents.

    The detailed composition.

    • THYROID + capsule / 2 capsules before breakfast / For 2 capsules: Guggul (Commiphora mukul) 266 mg including 26.6 mg of guggulsterones, capsule: pullulan, ashwagandha (KSM 66®) (Withania somnifera) 200 mg including 10 mg of withanolides, L-tyrosine (166.6 mg), bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) 160 mg including 100 µg of iodine (NRV*: 66.6%), Oryza sativa, Sophora Japonica (35 mg including 33.3 mg of kaempferol), zinc bisglycinate 33.33 mg including 10 mg of zinc (VNR*= 100%), yeast selenium 18.3 mg including 36.6 µg of selenium (VNR*= 66.6%) , rice starch, manganese gluconate 5.4 mg including 0.66 mg of manganese (VNR*= 33.3%), methylcobalamin 8.3 µg (VNR*= 333.3%).
    • L-TYRO TOP capsule / 1 capsule before breakfast / For 1 capsule: L-Tyrosine (125 mg), rice starch, capsule: pullulan, ascorbic acid (30 mg, VNR*= 37.5%), rice flour, nicotinamide (6 mg, VNR*= 37.5%), riboflavin (525 µg, VNR*= 37.5%), pyridoxine hydrochloride (525 µg, VNR*= 37, 5%), (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid in the form of glucosamine salt (Quatrefolic®) (75 µg, VNR*= 37.5%), methylcobalamin (0.94 µg, VNR*= 37.5%) .
    • ADRENO + capsule / 1 capsules before breakfast / For 1 capsule: Klamath algae powder (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)(200 mg including phycocianin 11.3%22.6 mg), extract Bacopa monnieri (150 mg including bacosides 50% 75 mg), capsule: pullulan, HRG80™ ginseng powder (50 mg), Panax ginseng CA Meyer extract (50 mg including total ginsenoids 11.45 mg / including rare ginseng 5 mg), Oryza sativa L., Ginkgo biloba extract (60 mg including flavonol glycoside 24% 14.4 mg / including terpeno-lactones 6% 3.6 mg), L-Tyrosine 37.5 mg.

      * Nutritional reference values.

    Experts in charge 👨‍⚕️

    Who are we ?

    Leurs avis sur nos cures ✏️

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    Much more than just a cure 🤩

    Suplemint, c'est des cures de micronutritions constituées de combinaison de compléments alimentaires journaliers, hautement dosés, conçus par des médecins, le tout dans un packaging pratique, simple et eco-friendly.

    The answers to your questions 🔎

    Can food supplements be dangerous for my health?

    At Suplemint,  we do everything we can to ensure safety and optimal results. Our food supplement cures are carefully dosed by experts from the medical world. Together they develop the different formulas/cures according to the latest scientific discoveries and carefully select the highest quality raw materials on the market, favoring those that come from eco-responsible agriculture and fair trade. We therefore subject all our raw materials to toxicological and microbiological analyses.

    That said, everyone is different and each case is unique. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if in doubt or if you have a medical condition. You will find all the necessary information regarding the treatment on each product page as well as on the product packaging.

    Is your treatment really 100% natural?

    The naturalness of our products is one of our main values. In the vast majority of cases, each capsule consists of ingredients of natural origin. Plants, fish oil from sustainable and eco-responsible fishing, minerals or trace elements are carefully chosen by our experts. In other cases, we choose efficiency because the most reliable and concentrated source of vitamins and minerals is currently chemical.

    We carefully select each of them for 100% European sourcing. We are particularly careful not to use unnecessary excipients.

    Is your treatment compatible with medical treatment?

    If you are following medical treatment, it is important to note that some of our treatments may have contraindications with:

    • Antidepressants
    • Anticoagulants
    • Antidiabetics
    • Medicines for kidney disease

    It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before starting one of our treatments. For each treatment, you will find all the necessary information to share with your doctor in the “ADVICE FOR USE / CONTRAINDICATION” section on the product page.

    For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

    How long should I take my cure?

    Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the first week, our experts have determined that at least 3 months of treatment are necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness.

    Can different cures be combined?

    Absolutely ! It is entirely possible to combine several treatments. In fact, certain combinations are even recommended by our specialists. Here are some suggested complementary combinations:

    • ENERGY + MAN+
    • SKIN + DETOX

    However, we do not recommend combining certain treatments:

    • ZENITH

    If you have the slightest uncertainty, do not hesitate to contact us or consult your doctor.

    For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

    Lots of good recipes 🥦

    Chez Suplemint, nous adorons offrir des cadeaux 🎁, particulièrement à notre communauté qui privilégie les plaisirs sains 😊 C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu, en collaboration avec nos experts 👩‍⚕️ un e-book regorgeant de recettes bien-être et de conseils santé exclusivement pour vous.

    Nos points forts 💪

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    Vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? Vous avez des doutes sur les contre-indications ? Pas de soucis, nos experts sont là pour vous aider à mieux cerner vos problèmes et à vous proposer des solutions adaptées. Il vous suffit de prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts dès maintenant. C'est 100% gratuit !