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Pour mieux vieillir.
Une cure, 5 sachets, 5 gélules par jour, plus de 43 ingrédients.
  • Contribue à optimiser votre fonction cognitive.
  • Participe à la protection des cellules contre le stress oxydatif.
  • Boost le fonctionnement du système nerveux.
  • Contribue au bon fonctionnement cardiaque.
Choose your formula
Usual price 123,60€ EUR
Usual price promotional price 123,60€ EUR
Taxes included.

Support your well-being with our 'Senior' pack. Designed to meet the specific needs of seniors for optimal health. Formulated by micronutrition experts.

Unique & highly dosed ingredients.

The Suplemint laboratory is a certified manufacturer - conditioner, we are a supplier of our own quality raw materials and have an in-house R&D team made up of specialists in genetics, biochemistry, clinicians, doctors and researchers. Within our R&D unit we carry out our own product and hygiene analyzes.

Fast & secure delivery / Subscription.*

Delivery :

- Free from 50€ of purchase in France and the Benelux only.

- Bpack World Business delivery in 2-3 days for the Benelux / 2-5 days for France / 6-12 days for the rest of the world.*

- DHL Express delivery in 24-48 hours for the Benelux and France / 48 hours 72 hours for the rest of the world.*

* Working days and excluding technical problems / Shortage of raw materials and/or limited stock indicated at the time of purchase.

Subscription :

- 3 months minimum, debit and delivery every 4 weeks. Cancellable at any time after 3 months, automatic renewal.

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43 Ingrédients

Conçues par des médecins

Sans excipients

Scientifiquement prouvées

100% Eco-friendly

Remboursement sous 30 jours.

An ancestral composition 👵

Our senior treatment is specially formulated to support the aging process with complete peace of mind. Start your day with MULTI VIT, ANTIOX, COQ10 OMEGA 3, L-CARNOSINE, and BETA ALANINE. These capsules provide a concentrate of essential nutrients, antioxidants, omega-3, and specific amino acids to support general well-being, cognitive and cardiovascular health, and fight against oxidative stress. A holistic approach to aging better.

Le contenu de la cure 💊

1x sachet :


  • Vitamine D3 (cholécalciférol) : Cruciale pour la santé osseuse, l'absorption du calcium, et le fonctionnement du système immunitaire, la vitamine D est souvent déficiente chez les seniors, surtout ceux qui ne sont pas souvent exposés au soleil.
  • Zinc (sous forme de bisglycinate de zinc) : Le zinc est vital pour le système immunitaire, la cicatrisation des plaies, et le fonctionnement de nombreux enzymes. C'est un élément essentiel souvent manquant dans l'alimentation des seniors.
  • Vitamine B12 (méthylcobalamine et hydroxycobalamine) : La vitamine B12 est cruciale pour le fonctionnement du cerveau et du système nerveux ainsi que pour la formation du sang. Elle est souvent mal absorbée avec l'âge, rendant sa supplémentation importante.
  • N-AcétylCystéine : Un précurseur du glutathion, qui est un antioxydant essentiel pour combattre le stress oxydatif et aider à la détoxification du foie.
  • Vitamine C (acide L-ascorbique) : Vitamine C soutient le système immunitaire, est nécessaire pour la production de collagène et possède des propriétés antioxydantes fortes.
1x sachet :


  • Huile de poisson (1000 mg dont Omega-3 EPA + DHA 700 mg) : L'huile de poisson est riche en acides gras omega-3, qui sont essentiels pour la santé cardiovasculaire. L'EPA (acide eicosapentaénoïque) et le DHA (acide docosahexaénoïque) contribuent à réduire l'inflammation, soutenir la fonction cérébrale et améliorer la santé des yeux. L'EPA aide notamment à maintenir des niveaux sains de triglycérides et à soutenir la santé cardiaque, tandis que le DHA est crucial pour la structure et la fonction des cellules cérébrales.
  • Co-enzyme Q10 (200 mg) : Le CoQ10 est un composant vital pour la production d'énergie dans les mitochondries et joue également un rôle d'antioxydant puissant. Avec l'âge, la production naturelle de CoQ10 diminue, rendant la supplémentation bénéfique, surtout pour le soutien cardiaque et énergétique.
1x sachet :


  • Acérola (Malpighia glabra L.) 160 mg dont 25% de vitamine C : L'acérola est une source très riche en vitamine C naturelle, un puissant antioxydant qui aide à protéger les cellules contre les dommages oxydatifs, soutient le système immunitaire, la peau, les vaisseaux sanguins et aide à la régénération de la forme réduite de la vitamine E.
  • Thé vert (Camellia sinensis) 125 mg dont 56.25 mg d'épigallocatéchine gallate (EGCG) : L'EGCG est un composant majeur du thé vert, reconnu pour ses propriétés antioxydantes exceptionnelles. Il peut aider à réduire l'inflammation, à protéger contre les maladies cardiaques, et à favoriser un métabolisme sain. La présence de faibles doses de caféine peut également offrir un léger effet stimulant.
  • Resvératrol (100 mg) : Connu pour ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé cardiovasculaire et sa capacité à moduler plusieurs voies de signalisation cellulaire, le resvératrol est souvent associé à la longévité et à la protection contre plusieurs types de maladies chroniques.
  • Raisin (Vitis vinifera L.) 52,64 mg dont 50 mg d'Oligo-proanthocyanidines (OPC) : Les OPC sont des polyphénols connus pour leurs puissantes propriétés antioxydantes. Ils peuvent améliorer la santé vasculaire en renforçant les capillaires et en réduisant l'inflammation.
1x sachet :


  • Beta-Alanine (500 mg) : La bêta-alanine est un acide aminé non essentiel utilisé par les cellules musculaires pour synthétiser la carnosine, ce qui peut augmenter la capacité d'endurance musculaire et réduire la fatigue pendant l'exercice intense. Elle est souvent prise par les athlètes cherchant à améliorer leur performance lors de séances d'entraînement courtes et intenses.
  • Poudre de Spirulina platensis (100 mg) : La spiruline est une microalgue bleu-vert riche en protéines, vitamines, minéraux, et antioxydants. Elle est particulièrement appréciée pour ses effets bénéfiques sur l'immunité, la gestion du poids, et la santé cardiovasculaire. Elle peut également contribuer à augmenter les niveaux d'énergie et à améliorer l'endurance.
1x sachet :


  • L-Carnosine (500 mg) : La L-carnosine est un dipeptide composé de deux acides aminés, la bêta-alanine et l'histidine. Présente naturellement dans les muscles et le cerveau, la L-carnosine a des propriétés antioxydantes et anti-glycation. Elle peut aider à prévenir la rigidification des protéines du corps dues à la glycation, un processus lié au vieillissement et à diverses maladies chroniques. La L-carnosine est également recherchée pour ses effets potentiels sur l'amélioration de la performance sportive et la prolongation de la capacité des muscles à fonctionner à haute intensité.

Tips for use 📋

How to take my cure.

Age in beauty and serenity with our SENIOR treatment, because age is just a journey towards a better version of yourself. Our treatment consists of 5 pills to take daily:

  • 1x capsule "MULTI LIVESTOCK"to be taken in the morning, during breakfast.
  • 1x capsule "ANTIOX"to be taken in the morning, during breakfast.
  • 1x capsule "COQ10 OMEGA 3"to be taken in the morning, during breakfast.
  • 1x capsule "L-CARNOSINE"to be taken in the morning, during breakfast.
  • 1x capsule "BETA ALANINE"to be taken in the morning, during breakfast.

Why so much? Because each capsule consists of only one or a few active agents to guarantee an ultra-effective dosage of our products.

Beneficial effects on the body.

  • Contributes to good function cognitive.
  • Contributes to the protection cells against oxidative stress.
  • Contribute to to optimise the proper functioning of the the nervous system.
  • Contribute to optimize cardiac function.

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the 1st week, it takes at least 3 months of treatment to reach 100% effectiveness and continue as long as you feel the effects.

Nutrition advice.

Hold well along the length!

1. Hydration and Balanced Nutrition. Water is vital at all ages, but even more so for seniors. Have you ever felt the earth dry and cracked after a long period without rain? This is a bit like what happens to our body without sufficient hydration.

A balanced diet is like a symphony where each instrument plays its part. You need fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates for perfect harmony. And don't forget water, the essential element to orchestrate everything!

2. Increase Protein Intake. Proteins are the building blocks of your body. Think of them as the solid foundations of a house. You need it to maintain structure and strength.

Think of eggs, legumes, chicken, and fish as your reliable friends. They will help you build and maintain this sturdy house.

3. Impact of sugars and fats. Too much sugar and fat is like a storm in your perfectly manicured garden. They can cause more damage than you think.

Take control of this storm by choosing unprocessed foods and reading labels. This is your shield against these unwanted intruders.

4. Consume More Fiber. Fibers are like the trees in your garden, essential for a healthy ecosystem. They contribute to digestion and the feeling of satiety.

Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are your best allies. Plant these trees in your indoor garden, and you will see the benefits!

Health tips.

A real long-distance race...

1. Exercise Regularly. Exercise is like a balm for the body and mind. Do you want to feel like a bird flying free? So move, dance, run, do yoga or whatever makes you tick. Find your rhythm and let your body express its joy of living!

2. Manage Stress Effectively. Stress is sometimes like a storm that threatens our clear skies. Learn to manage it with relaxation techniques, meditation or simply by finding time for yourself. Imagine a calm and clear sky after the rain, this is what you can achieve by taking care of yourself.

3. Think about Prevention and Regular Medical Visits. Prevention is like a vigilant guardian who protects your castle. Do not neglect your medical visits and regular exams. You are worth that little effort that can make the difference between a minor problem and a major one.

4. Get Enough Sleep for Optimal Health.

Sleep is like a sweet melody that rocks our body and mind after a busy day. Remember the feeling of a warm duvet and a soft pillow? It is in these moments that our body repairs and revitalizes itself.

But how many of us neglect this crucial step of the day? Think of sleep as a faithful friend waiting for you every evening. It is there to soothe you, comfort you, and prepare you for the next day. Give yourself the gift of restful sleep, and you'll see changes in your mood, energy, and overall health.

Quality sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Just like a plant needs water to grow, your body needs sleep to thrive.


Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not administer to pregnant or breastfeeding women, or to children under 18 years of age. Do not use in case of kidney problems (gout, stones). Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you take medications at the same time. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking diabetes treatment at the same time. Not suitable for people treated with coumarin anticoagulants. Consumption should be limited to a few weeks/months. Camellia sinensis, vitis vinifera and vitamin C help protect cells against oxidative stress. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contribute to normal heart function. This beneficial effect is obtained by a daily consumption of 250mg of EPA and DHA. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and normal brain function. This beneficial effect is obtained by a daily consumption of 250mg of DHA. Store dry. Should not be consumed if you take other products containing green tea on the same day. Should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

The detailed composition.

  • MULTI VIT capsule / 1 capsule during breakfast / Per capsule: pullulan, zinc bisglycinate (60 mg including elemental zinc 15 mg [150%]), vit. B3 (nicotinamide) 54 mg [338%], co-enzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 50 mg, rice starch, rice flour, citrus bio-flavonoids (Citrus sinensis) 33.33 mg, N-AcetylCysteine ​​33.33 mg, quercetin 33.33 mg, alphalipoic acid 33.33 mg, blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) 33.33 mg, vit. C (L-ascorbic acid) 26.67 mg [33%], selenium yeast (25 mg including selenium element 50 µg [91%]), vit. B5 (Calcium D-Pantothenate) 18 mg [300%], vit. Natural E (Vitapherole®) 12 mg [100%], rapeseed oil, rutin 6.67 mg, vit. B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 3.6 mg [327%], lycopene 2.5 mg, vit. B2 (riboflavin 2.4 mg [171%], astaxanthin-rich oleoresin extracted from Haematococcus pluvialis algae 2 mg, lutein 2 mg, vit. B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) 1.94 mg [139%], beta-carotene 1 .60 mg, vitamin B8 (D-biotin) 450 µg [900%], zeaxanthin 400 µg, vitamin B9 - (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid in the form of glucosamine salt (Quatrefolic®) 200 µg [100% ], potassium iodide 150 µg (including elemental iodine 114.6 µg [76%]), menaquinone (vitamin K2) (synthetic) (microbial source) 75 µg [100%], vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 25 µg/1000 IU [500%], vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin 1.6 µg [64%], vitamin B12: hydroxycobalamin 1.6 µg [64%].
  • ANTIOX capsule / 1 capsule during breakfast / Per capsule: Acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) 160 mg including 25% vitamin C, capsule: pullulan; green tea (Camellia sinensis) 125 mg including 56.25 mg of epigallocatechin gallate (Presence of caffeine; Q ≤ 10 mg), Resveratrol (100 mg), Co-enzyme Q10 (100 mg), grape (Vitis vinifera L.) (52 .64 mg including 50 mg of oligo-proanthocyanidins), organic rice starch.
  • COQ10 OMEGA 3 capsule / 1 capsule during breakfast / Per capsule: Oil of
    fish (EPAX quality oil) 1000 mg including omega-3 EPA + DHA 700 mg (EPA min. 400 mg and DHA min. 300 mg), capsule: fish gelatin, Co-enzyme Q10 200 mg, glycerol (texturing agent), white beeswax (glazing agent), water, lecithin (texturing agent).
  • L-CARNOSINE capsule / 1 capsule during breakfast / Per capsule: L-Carnosine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan.
  • BETA ALANINE capsule / 1 capsule during breakfast / Per capsule: Beta-Alanine 500 mg, capsule: pullulan, Spirulina platensis powder 100 mg.

* Nutrient reference values.

Experts in charge 👨‍⚕️

Who are we ?

Leurs avis sur nos cures ✏️

They talk about us ⭐

Much more than just a cure 🤩

Suplemint, c'est des cures de micronutritions constituées de combinaison de compléments alimentaires journaliers, hautement dosés, conçus par des médecins, le tout dans un packaging pratique, simple et eco-friendly.

The answers to your questions 🔎

Can food supplements be dangerous for my health?

At Suplemint,  we do everything we can to ensure safety and optimal results. Our food supplement cures are carefully dosed by experts from the medical world. Together they develop the different formulas/cures according to the latest scientific discoveries and carefully select the highest quality raw materials on the market, favoring those that come from eco-responsible agriculture and fair trade. We therefore subject all our raw materials to toxicological and microbiological analyses. That said, everyone is different and each case is unique. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if in doubt or if you have a medical condition. You will find all the necessary information regarding the treatment on each product page as well as on the product packaging.

Is your treatment really 100% natural?

The naturalness of our products is one of our main values. In the vast majority of cases, each capsule consists of ingredients of natural origin. Plants, fish oil from sustainable and eco-responsible fishing, minerals or trace elements are carefully chosen by our experts. In other cases, we choose efficiency because the most reliable and concentrated source of vitamins and minerals is currently chemical. We carefully select each of them for 100% European sourcing. We are particularly careful not to use unnecessary excipients.

Is your treatment compatible with medical treatment?

If you are following medical treatment, it is important to note that some of our treatments may have contraindications with:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidiabetics
  • Medicines for kidney disease

It is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before starting one of our treatments. For each treatment, you will find all the necessary information to share with your doctor in the “ADVICE FOR USE / CONTRAINDICATION” section on the product page.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly at:

How long should I take my treatment?

Although some beneficial effects will be felt from the first week, our experts have determined that at least 3 months of treatment are necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness.

Can different cures be combined?

Absolutely ! It is entirely possible to combine several treatments. In fact, certain combinations are even recommended by our specialists. Here are some suggested complementary combinations:


However, we do not recommend combining certain treatments:


If you have the slightest uncertainty, do not hesitate to contact us or consult your doctor.

Lots of good recipes 🥦

Chez Suplemint, nous adorons offrir des cadeaux 🎁, particulièrement à notre communauté qui privilégie les plaisirs sains 😊 C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu, en collaboration avec nos experts 👩‍⚕️ un e-book regorgeant de recettes bien-être et de conseils santé exclusivement pour vous.

Nos points forts 💪

Find your cure

Free 15-minute consultation 📞

Vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? Vous avez des doutes sur les contre-indications ? Pas de soucis, nos experts sont là pour vous aider à mieux cerner vos problèmes et à vous proposer des solutions adaptées. Il vous suffit de prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts dès maintenant. C'est 100% gratuit !